Our Satisfaction Guarantee

happy woman smiling

We believe in what we are doing and consequently we believe you will have a good experience with our psychic reading service. If you are not satisfied with your last purchased live psychic reading, we will refund your money or give you the time back to try another reader.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not happy with your last reading, we will refund you subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • All refund requests must be submitted in writing via our Contact Us page.
  • A refund or credit must be requested within one (1) day of your purchased reading.
  • Please explain in detail as to why you did not enjoy your reading. We like to share this feedback with our psychics.
  • A refund or credit can only be applied to your last reading to the maximum value of 15 minutes.

Absolute Soul Secrets reserves the right to refuse any refund or credit request. A limit of four refunds/credits per client applies.

Although every care and consideration is taken by our readers in performance of readings, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of psychic readings due to the long-term nature of some reading content and the role of free will. An individual’s volition may override the current energies present when the reader does the reading. Free will may override all considerations.

For further information please read:

The Art of Psychic Reading

The Best Psychic Reading

Our Mission

Our Philosophy

For Peace of Mind – Try us now!